International Olympiad in Informatics – Statistics

This is an International Olympiad in Informatics Statistics website.

This site is intended to give anyone an opportunity to easily contribute missing data. All changes will be checked before inclusion. Please, create a new person only if you're sure that they aren't already in the database.

For recent years the information is taken from IOI Registration system and is expected to be full and accurate. Additionally, for some Countries full data is obtained already – check the Country list for more information.

If you have a correction that is not yet supported by the system, bug report, feature request or any other related information, please contact me by e-mail. Although be aware that the data is owned by IOI, so certain requests might require IC or GA decision.

Country Definition

According to S2.1 of IOI Regulations: "For the IOI, a Country is a state that has an officially recognised relationship with the United Nations, UNESCO, or which has already taken part in one or more past IOIs".

Country Representation

For ensuring better Country statistics, there are two Countries in the database which might appear different in official data. The Federal Republic of Germany appears as Germany in 1989–1990 and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia appears as Serbia and Montenegro in 1992–2002.

Second/Third Team Status

Offsite Competitions

In some exceptional circumstances, IOI may host an offsite competition separate from the host Country, where some teams solve the same set of tasks but from a separate location outside the host Country, managed by IOI itself. For contestants participating in the offsite competition, their medal is treated as official by the IOI. Since the ranks and the medal cutoffs are determined by the host, the ranks of offsite participants are defined by IOI as the highest rank amongst all onsite contestants scoring the same or smaller amount of points, and the medal they obtain is determined by the host's medal cutoffs.


Current moderators: Mārtiņš Opmanis, Eduard Kalinicenko, Oleg Oshmyan.